Compton Farm touring and camping


Please note, we have weddings on site on the 14th September 2024


Privacy & Cookie Policy

The information we collect and reasons why

In certain places on the web site you may be asked to provide us with personal information about yourself (your e-mail address, name etc.). This allows us to provide a number of functions from replying to any e-mail's you may send, to allowing you to personalise your visit to

By giving us such details we aim to provide you with a better service, giving you the information you want to see and contacting you if you would like to know when new information is added to the site. Compton Farm will act in accordance with current legislation and aim to meet current Internet best practice.

We also (anonymously) monitor visitors to the site so that amongst other things we can see which sections are being viewed, how long for and where the visitors came from all of which is invaluable information for us in terms of developing the site and monitoring our performance.

We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with legal processes. We do not share personally identifiable information with third parties without your consent except in the following instances:

  • Unless required by applicable law or pursuant to a court or similar order.
  • As deemed necessary, in our discretion, to protect the legal rights or the property of Compton Farm, a registered user or third party, or to prevent personal injury.

How to access your personal information

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you with regards to the website. You can also request that any incorrect information about you be updated.


We may use information obtained about you from cookies (files which are sent to us by your computer or other access device) which we can access when you visit our website in the future. We do this to allow us to identify users and personalise the Website wherever possible. The cookies store small pieces of information about our users, such as names and email addresses. This means that on future visits to our website, we can identify past users. We may access cookies stored on your computer when you visit our website in future or when you open an email from us.

If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the instructions for your file management software to locate the file or directory that stores cookies. Any cookie whose name starts with UTM is a Google Analytics first party cookie. If you want to stop cookies being stored on your computer in future, please refer to your browser manufacturer’s instructions by clicking “Help” in your browser menu. Further information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our Website.

EU Cookie Directive

As you may have read the law has recently changed in relation to the use of Cookies. We have investigated many ways in which we can meet this directive. Guidance is however still evolving and many of the options available are quite obtrusive and can interrupt your browsing experience. Therefore we have taken the view that currently we will provide information on the cookies we provide (as above) and advise users on how to change their browser settings to block cookies, please click here, to learn more about cookies from This will allow you to take control of cookies across all websites, not just on

Site design and build by Netguides